East Mount Airy Neighbors

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Get a FREE rain barrel or a subsidized downspout planter. 

The Philadelphia Water Department teamed up with the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society to manage the city’s storm-water.

Residents can sign up for a FREE rain barrels—a handy partner for watering plants and cleaning pavements—and subsidized downspout planters that add beauty and utility to the exterior of your home and prevents the city’s sewer system from overflowing. It’s all part of the Rain Check program.

Start the process by signing up for an upcoming Rain Check workshop.


You may notice soon after you move in that you receive a fair amount of circulars, coupons and takeout menus from local businesses, and they can sometimes end up as litter on your sidewalk. 

If you’d like to stop receiving them, fill out this form and mail it to the Department of Licenses and Inspections. Once you receive the sticker in the mail, place the circular-free sticker in a prominent location (such as mailbox or door) at about eye-level from the street.


Composting helps keep waste out of landfills. We encourage backyard composting or using a composting collection service (just like getting your weekly trash pick-up) through Bennett Compost.